Dirvi il modo migliore per scegliere il miglior pressa di calore di Christine Cora

If you are starting a business printing transfers onto T-shirts, your heat

press will be important to your success. Your choice of heat press should

be based on a variety of factors, such as style, features, and performance.


There are three types pf hear presses:Clamshell,Swinger,Draw


Clamshell presses have a hinge between the upper and lower platens and

open similar to a clamshell. The heated upper platen then closes down on

the lower platen to provide the necessary pressure. While easy to use, the

clamshell press does require that layout work be done directly under the

heat source and may not be as well suited as other models when printing

onto thicker garments, such as hooded sweatshirts.

Swinger, or swing-away, presses swing the upper platen away from the

lower. This allows the user free access to the lower platen without having

to reach under the heated upper platen, making garment arrangement and

layout easier. Because the upper platen swings away, this type of press

takes up more space than a clamshell.

Draw presses have a lower platen that pulls out toward the user. Layout

can be done without the user reaching under the upper platen, but more

workspace is required. This type of heat press machine involves a

moveable work surface, requiring greater care to be taken to avoid designs

shifting out of place before application.


Perhaps the most significant feature any heat press machine should have

is temperature consistency across the upper platen. Cold spots in the upper

platen can lead to substandard or ruined garments, so even temperature is

key in producing the quality products you (and your customers) want.

Other features to look for in a heat transfer press are interchangeable

platens and digital temperature and pressure readouts. Digital gauges

ensure that accurate pressure and temperature are used during application,

while interchangeable platens make application to different items much

easier and more consistent.


When looking for the best heat press to fit your needs it is also important

to consider the reputation of the manufacturer, service options, and

available warranties. Also consider the purpose for which the press was

manufactured. Some heat presses are made for light or hobby use, while

others are made to handle a heavier workload.

You sono la visualizzazione di una lista completa delle nostre macchine da stampa di trasferimento di calore e materiali di consumo. Per visualizzare per marca o stile, si prega di utilizzare il link qui sotto. Se stai cercando di stampare i trasferimenti di calore direttamente sulla t-shirt, si prega di consultare queste qualità   professionale; pressa a caldo macchine. Abbiamo diverse soluzioni per il vostro digitali /getto d'inchiostro e serigrafati esigenze di trasferimento di calore. Per ulteriori informazioni sulle nostre macchine transfer, è possibile fare clic su ogni prodotto di seguito.

Perché acquistare una pressa a caldo da noi?

Vendiamo presse a caldo molto al di sotto dei prezzi di produttore!

Sappiamo termopresse

e vi aiuteremo a scegliere la pressa di calore giusto per le vostre esigenze

Offriamo le principali presse a caldo marchio più costruiti.; Hix, Geo Cavaliere, Stahls, & Macchine transfer Panther.

BESTBLANKS è il più grande distributore multi linea per tutte le principali (e più popolari) degli Stati Uniti produttori di presse di calore.

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For more information,please contact: http://www.fayepaper.com/