Tatva Leadership e Management Services: Empowering della forza lavoro da donna, Tatva Leadership

The global corporate world is facing a dearth of women folk in the top leadership roles. Even though, some effort has been put in to spreading awareness about the same, the industry still sees most women exit at the middle management. In fact, according to reports, the proportion of women leadership in the Indian workforce fell from 19 percent in 2013 to 14 percent in 2014. The lack of women leadership roles directly affects the diversity environment in any organization and is a matter of concern. The need of the hour is to understand their aspirations and help them rise up the ladder. Understanding this alarming fact and drawing inspiration from the words of Lila Poonawalla, Chairperson of Lila Poonawalla Fondazione;   Kuku; Singh   fondata; Tatva Leadership e Management Services Pvt. Ltd, a leadership development and executive coaching company. Founded in 2011, the company came into esistenza owing to Kuku’s desire to re-invent and her passion to responsabilizzare le donne workforce in the corporate sector. Headquartered in Pune, the company offers services by training women at every level, by providing high quality and effective ways to improve performance and build skills that last.

Subduing the Challenges

The company came into existence when the mindsets were narrow about equality in workforce. By rethinking and reinventing the leadership spazio e   esecutivo, di coaching, Kuku   combattuta, contro la   i; le sfide del mercato to bring the company to its full stature today. “Things are decisamente easier today. 5 years ago we were new and the industry mentalità was not that open,” says Kuku. Gender is a yardstick for the dirigenza   quando, ma viene investimenti,   avventurarsi, attraverso la situazione with an arsenal of experience gained from the industry, Kuku riuscito in making her point that women need separate attention in forza lavoro. “The entire space of diversity and inclusion is very complex e stratificato. E 'facile go un organizzazione e vendita programma di leadership, but it’s far more difficult to get the senior management, e renderli credo   edificio; a conduttura per   donne; la leadership richiede attention, and is a different ball game,” she adds. Built on la Fondazione of Kuku’s 25 years of experience in the industry, Tatva has oggi emerged as one of the top players in the field of learning and development.

Revamping the Workplace and Overhauling Women Leadership

Focusing on three major areas; Leadership Development, Executive Coaching e Consulting, Tatva costruisce conduttura di talento professionale pronto anticipo loro carriera campo. innovativa azienda ha messo a punto quattro corsi di vale a dire Sakshi , CHINMAYEE, Drishti e LEAD che si concentra esposizione, la flessibilità e empowerment to build confidence in women executives to focus on meaningful, long-term careers. SAKSHI is focused on women with a 2-5 anni experience at work and focuses on helping them manage the vita lavorativa balance. DRISHTI is a programme focused on all employees which works to create inclusivity and gender sensitization. The programme CONDURRE is meant for the entire talent pool and aims to enhance capacità competitiva tra tutti. CHINMAYEE è un esclusivo programma per donne aiuto li trovare driver fare informato professionale as well as personal decisions.

Focusing on expanding women leadership in corporate sector, the organization develops sustainable leadership on holistic thinking and equilibrio. “Developing the women leadership pipeline is the biggest focus for us today. We give executive coaching and group coaching at senior livello and middle management level,” says Kuku. Through a deep pool di experienced counselors and innovative program design, Tatva creates e attrezzi sviluppo strategie e apprendimento programmi di che raggiungono attraverso un . organizzazione concentrandosi capo concetti e componenti di formazione, sviluppo, apprendimento e   possibili problemi, l'azienda lavori con donne dipendenti a prescindere la loro esperienza in the industry.

To discover their unique leadership styles, by realizing the true leadership potential that women possess, Tatva helps them become a catalizzatore for change within the communities they serve. “Most of our corsi sono   lungo; programma orientato. Il nostro sostenibilità processo è robusto e client focused. We stay for the client even for a short program. Abbiamo capito quello che è   benefico; per un organizzazione, industria, reparto e what would help in the larger framework of life,” she explains.

Expanding across arena being a delegate

In order to keep pace with the change in gender ratio and the resulting work environment, Tatva focuses on the real issues using workshops focused into applications and understanding the clients. By tying up con compagnie teatrali di Mumbai, Tatva fare usare di la narrazione, danza e teatro e usa diverse set abilità consentano i suoi clienti. Il company provides its services to organizations across various verticals come as banking sector, insurance sector, manufacturing sector, IT- ITes sector to name a few. Today, the company has an impressive roster of clienti that include names such as Johnson and Johnson, ACC, PepsiCo, Raymond, Piaggio, Barclays among others.

Being the knowledge partner for NASCOM in diversity and inclusive space, Tatva has ten active partners and is on the panel of several organizations in the diversity boards. The firm also spreads the word about learning in print media by anchoring some of the magazines intorno al la leadership spazio. In Kuku di   ambizioso, visione, l'azienda aims to see about 100 women on the boards of organizations.